Sunday, January 19, 2003

Rice's Turnaround
It appears that our National Security Adviser, Ms. Condoleezza Rice has stepped away from the Washington Post's Friday story on her backing of Bush's policy against race-conscious admissions. I was a bit surprised, and glad to be quite honest, to see the following headline in yesterdays Post Rice: Race Can Be Factor In College Admissions.
"Rice issued a statement saying that she supports the president's decision to challenge race-conscious admissions as administered by the University of Michigan and that race-neutral means are preferable. But she said there are occasions when "it is appropriate to use race as one factor among others in achieving a diverse student body."
Rice's statement came after an article in The Washington Post yesterday in which several White House aides said she had played a crucial role in Bush's deliberations and helped persuade him to publicly oppose Michigan's program. Officials who described her role to The Post noted that it was unusual for her to become such a major factor in an issue that did not involve foreign policy. Their comments had the effect of associating a respected African American adviser to Bush with a decision that has been criticized by many black leaders. Rice reportedly was angry about the article in part because she believed it had been written only because she is black.

Page Design
I have been meaning for some time to update the look of the page, and so here it is. I imagine the look will evolve a little further in the months to come.


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