Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Some Recognition for Arundhati Roy

The Santa Fe based Lannan Foundation has awarded its fourth annual Prize for Cultural Freedom to the writer/activist Arundhati Roy. According to foundation president J. Patrick Lannan, Jr., “As both an artist and global citizen, Arundhati Roy writes about civil societies that are adversely affected by the world's most powerful governments and corporations. We are honored to celebrate her life and her ongoing work in the struggle for freedom, justice and cultural diversity.” Roy will be sharing the 350,000 dollar prize money with 50 people's movements, publications, educational institutions, theater groups, and individuals in India. Among the groups sharing the prize money are organizations fighting for greater transparency within India as well as groups trying to work on issues of communalism and groups trying to fix some of the social carnage created by last year's Gujarat violence.


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